Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU), le Centre de recherche l’Académie des Sciences et des Arts de Slovénie (ZRC SAZU) est le principal centre de recherche sur les sciences humaines de Slovénie et une institution académique de pointe en Europe centrale et de l’est. Il est multidisciplinaire et, outre les sciences humaines, son domaine de recherche comprend aussi les sciences naturelles et les sciences sociales. Le réseau de recherche de ZRC SAZU est composé de chercheurs qui travaillent dans 18 instituts. Les chercheurs mènent également leurs études dans trois stations de recherche régionales qui relient le réseau de recherche à travers la Slovénie. (ZRC SAZU). Il a travaillé sur plusieurs programmes-cadres, le programme Interreg IIIBn le programme de coopération territorial européen, la coopération internationale, le programme Life+, le programme COST, le programme integer d’apprentissage tout au long de la vie, le programme eContentPlus et le programme de culture 2007-2013. ZRC SAZU mène aussi une série de projets appliqués qui sont allés au-delà de l’orientation des individus dans un domaine spécialisé et qui rend possible des liens profitables entre les différents instituts et les différentes disciplines. En collaboration avec l’Université de Nova Gorica, la ZRC SAZU offre plusieurs programmes universitaires de premier et de deuxième cycle.
Mojca Kovačič
Mojca Kovačič holds her PhD in ethnomusicology. She is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Ethnomusicology of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Mojca is by her primary profession also a professor of music with four years of experience in teaching music in high school. In addition to regular scientific work carried out by the institute, where her interest mainly covers research in folk music and its various forms and contemporary processes, as well as soundscape studies in regards to urban religious sounds and street music, she also carries out music workshops for youngsters. For the past 8 years she has been a professional consultant for Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia, working as an evaluator of the music performances. She is the national representative for the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), a member of the board of cultural and ethnomusicological society Folk Slovenia, member of the Slovenian ethnological society. She is skilled in project administration and organization of scientific meetings. Lately she gained experiences in three Erasmus + project that ZRC SAZU has been participating. For the Jucivol, she was the most active in technical and organizational activities, as well as in dissemination activities.
Marjeta Pisk
Marjeta Pisk is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Ethnomusicology of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU). After teaching Latin in high schools she obtained her PhD in intercultural studies for which she was awarded by the Slovenian Slavic Society. In addition to her regular scientific work in folkloristics focused on the historical and contemporaneous aspects of folk culture she has participated in various national and European projects and gained experiences in project management. Her special interests on borders and boundaries and overlooked questions of cultural hybridity of different minority groups reflect also in her involvement in Jucivol project which she joined in 2018. She has implemented the mentoring and testing in Slovenia (2018) and carried out exploitation as well dissemination (2018).
Katarina Šrimpf Vendramin
Katarina Šrimpf Vendramin is a Research Assistant at the Institute of Slovenian Ethnology of the Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. She obtained her PhD in Intercultural studies. Her research interests include folk narrative research, identities, fashion and volunteering. For the past 3 years she has been a professional consultant for Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia, working as an evaluator of the folk group performances. She is currently involved in two EU Erasmus+ projects on volunteering. In the Jucivol project she uses her knowledge of volunteering in the field of culture, administrative and organisational skills. She has been involved in preparing protocols for implementation of training and mentoring (2017) and testing among the youngsters and professionals (2018).
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