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Bibliographie - Etats-Unis

Allen, Ken

L'action des citoyens et le volontariat: bâtir un mouvement pour le progrès social et économique, CIVICUS, 2001

Appleby, Joyce

Inheriting the Revolution: the first generation of Americans, The Bellknap Press, Harvard University, 2000

Becker, Gary S.

The Economic way at Looking a Behavior, Journal of Political Economy, 1993

Becker, Gary S.

Altruism in the Family and Selfishness in the Market Place, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1981

Becker, Gary S.

Altruism, Egoism and Genetic Ftiness, Journal of Economics Literature, University of Stanford, 1976

Boorstin, Daniel

The Americans: the National experience, Random House, New York, 1965

Bryce, Herrington J.

Financial & strategic Management for nonprofit organisations, Jossey-Bass, 2000

Dingle A. & Sokolowski W., Saxon-Harrold S. K.E, Davis Smith J., Leigh R.

Mesurer le bénévolat : guide pratique, Independent Sector et Volontaires des Nations Unies, Washington, 2001

Drucker, Peter F

Managing the non-profit organization- principles and practices, Harper Collins Publishers, New York, 1990

Etzioni , Amitai

The Moral Dimension: Towards a New Economics, New York, 1988

Hamlin, Alan

Ethics, Economics and the State, Saint Martin's Press, New York, 1986

Harsanyi , John C.

Cardinal Welfare, Individualistic Ethics and Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility, Journal of Politcal Economy, 1955

Hellriegel D. & Slocum J.W.

Management des organisations, De Boeck & Larcier, 2006

Independent sector

National Survey on Giving and Volunteering in the United States, Washington D.C, 1999

Kilpatrick J. & Danziger S.

Better than money can buy - The New volunteers, Innersearch Publishing, 1996

Ochman, M. / Jordan, P

Az önkéntesség. mint értékes szervezeti eroforrás, John Hopkins,Baltimore , 2004

Salomon L.M & Anheier H.K

The emerging sector: the non profit sector in comparative perspectives, Johns Hopkins University, 1994

Weisbrod, Burton Allen

The non profit sector: an economic analysis, Harvard University Press (Mass. USA), 1977