Cliquez sur le drapeau d'un pays pour consulter la bibliographie correspondante:
Bibliographie - Grèce
Alizioti, Virginia
Civil Society, University of Athens, 2009
Association of Voluntary Service Organisations (AVSO) and the European Volunteer Centre (CEV)
Legal Status of Volunteers, CEV/AVSO, 2008
Chryssakis M., Ziomas D., Karamitropoulou D., Chatziantonis D.,’
Employment Potential in the social economy’, Sakkoula publications, Athens, 2002
Citizen in Deed
Study on the Legislative and Fiscal Framework of Civil Society Organisations in Greece,, Citizen in Deed, 2008
Citizen in Deed
Study of Best Practices on the Representation of the Financial Situation of Non-profit Organisations in Greece, Citizen in Deed, 2008
Survey of Voluntary Organisations, CIVICUS, 2007
Lambropoulos N., Pouliou A., Sirakoulis K.,
The third sector in Greece: A managerial perspective based on field research results, , 2003